Coming to Church!

There is lots to say about coming to church for the wrong reasons
Playing Church” is an appropriate term for those who dabble at church attendance —
– Only when there is a potluck banquet or
– Only when there is a special speaker
People “playing at church” usually have selfish motives… which are not pure motives

So… what are some of the Right Reasons to come out to church?  I can think of several!

Most importantly, we attend church services because of the Biblical guidance that says…
Heb 10:24-25 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.

As my daughter once told my granddaughter …  we go to church … to learn about God & Jesus!   Hebrews tells us assembling together is important — a church is NOT a building … but rather an assembly of believers – “called out ones”.  We are “called out” of this world to learn how to be “good Christian neighbors”  & to be “Christian Soldiers” in a world that increasingly ridicules people of faith.

Church is a weekly sanctuary from a busy week, a chance to learn about God and His Plan for mankind – and a chance to learn about “us” – our history, our nature, and how we can overcome to be better parents & friends, brothers & sisters.  We can smile (& cry) as we sing meaningful songs of worship … and we can fellowship together — sharing our joys or our challenges this week — sometimes finding answers or insights, and sometimes just being a friend who can listen.

Some are unable to congregate – and webcast church services are a blessing… but for those who CAN come out … The church is there to welcome you — welcome you back, or welcome you for the first time.  Our Congregations tab on our website ( has locations for our Canadian congregations … USA & International church locations can be found on the website.

A bad church can be poison — and you need to stay away!
But a good church can be inspiring, worshipful, educational, uplifting… providing a place to grow, to get involved in helping others, & to provide an extended family of people who love you & seek the best for you … as we work together to fulfil the mission Jesus gave to us to Preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God to the whole world!

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