About Us

The church has a mandate to continue with the witness and message of Jesus Christ initiated through His life, teachings, and sacrifice for every person and all nations. This will be accomplished by the resources available to the “body of Christ” and furthered through the spiritual gifts bestowed by our Heavenly Father. As the “body” consists of individual members, it is each person’s privilege to follow the Savior and “repent…and believe the good news.” Living as new creatures in Christ, it then becomes evident that a devoted membership will carry on the work begun by Jesus to announce “in all the world” that the “Kingdom of God is at hand.”

Furthermore, Christ’s promise of vitality to His church for all ages will be evident in the love of each member for their “brothers and sisters in the faith,” and their fellow man, regardless of gender, race, or social status. Through spiritual design, the body of Christ will extend beyond a local community as members support one another, taking care of their “own,” visiting the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and keeping themselves unspotted from the world.

Matthew 28:19–20; Mark 1:15; 16:15–16; Acts 1:7–8; Matthew 16:18–19; Luke 24:44–47; Luke 4:18–19