International News Vol 22.5 – Women & Eldership – Idolatry – America under Fire – Come to Feast – Sacrificing our Lives – Toronto Christian Development Classes International News Vol 22.1 – Christianity Lite – CEO for CGI – Feast Rpts – Choose tree of Life International News Vol 21.2 – Leadership Training Class International News Vol 21.1 – Agreeing with God Promises – Enduring – Pleasures of Sin leaven – Sabbath Rest – Last Day Unleavened Bread Watch Vol 3.1,2,3 – Overcoming – Comprehending the Bible – Who is Michael – Who creates Evil – Holy Days Watch Vol 2.12 – Will God Kill Uninformed – True Discipleship Watch Vol 2.11 – Spiritism – Baptism Father Son Holy Spirit – Sins of the Fathers Watch Vol 2.10 – Stop Sin Period – Soul – Worship Jesus – Confession Watch Vol 2.9 – No Articles Watch Vol 2.8 – Reason via Bible – Purpose Parables – Sabbath Rest – Church Commission – Present with the Lord Watch Vol 2.7- Rational Approach to Prophecy – Ten Virgins Watch Vol 2.5 – Obedience Required for Salvation – A Place in Heaven – Added Law – Jesus Brothers Sisters Watch Vol 11.2 – Close Encounters UFOs – Middle East Peace Dead – King James Only Bible – Trick or Treat Halloween Watch Vol 10.9 – What 21st Century like – Paul & Law – Pestilence Pt3 – Signs Healing Watch Vol 10.7 – When we Die – Imperial Academy 2nd Year – God Collecting Antiques in Heaven – Pestilence Pt1 Watch Vol 10.6 – When we Die Pt2 – Japan China trade Watch Vol 10.5 – Biblical Terrorists – With What Body Resurrection – When we Die Pt1 – Terrorism at home Watch Vol 10.4 – Nature in Convulsion – European Union – Faith Once Delivered truth doctrine Watch Vol 10.3 – Imperial Academy Launch – Ireland – Japan – Real reasons Jesus Came – Capital Punishment Watch Vol 10.2 – Earthquakes – Sabbath Qs – Old Covenant Qs – Jesus & Law – Valentine’s Day – Reasons Jesus Came