Adrian Davis

Bless His Holy Name Pt1 – God Adrian Davis January 1, 2022 |
Bless His Holy Name Pt2 – God, Atonement Adrian Davis January 1, 2022 |
Cgi2022-FOT Collingwood Day3 – Prepare For Your Coronation Adrian Davis January 1, 2022 |
Empowered To Work Adrian Davis January 1, 2022 |
Innocence Project Pt3 Adrian Davis January 1, 2022 |
Joy Of The Lord Pt1 – Israel Adrian Davis January 1, 2022 |
Keeping Watch – 001 – Roe V Wade – Sex Ed In Public School – Destruction Of Family Adrian Davis January 1, 2022
Keeping Watch – 007 – Great Reset-2 Adrian Davis January 1, 2022
Keeping Watch – 009 – Mass Formation Adrian Davis January 1, 2022
Keeping Watch – 010 – Inflation Adrian Davis January 1, 2022
Keeping Watch – 011 – Funeral Of Queen Elizabeth II Adrian Davis January 1, 2022
Keeping Watch – 013 – War In Ukraine – Kanye West – Cancel Culture Adrian Davis January 1, 2022
Keeping Watch -018 – MAID – Medical Assistance In Dying Adrian Davis January 1, 2022
Three Types Of Conflict In A Congregation Adrian Davis January 1, 2022
A Moving Experience – Feast inspiration vs Satan’s tools fear & desire Adrian Davis January 1, 2021
Demonic Activity Rising Adrian Davis January 1, 2021
Discerning The Lord’s Body – Part 2 – Members of the church are part of the Body Adrian Davis January 1, 2021
FOT-Feast of Tabernacles 2021-Collingwood-Day-4b-BibleStudy-Micah Adrian Davis January 1, 2021 |
Sudden Death Overtime – Part 1 – Church needs to be aware of dangerous times Adrian Davis January 1, 2021
Sudden Death Overtime – Part 2 – love one another to survive the days ahead Adrian Davis January 1, 2021