Charles Groce

New Testament Passover Service Charles Groce January 1, 2022 |
Author’s Intended Message – Bible, Don’t read in unintended burdens Charles Groce January 1, 2019
A Theology Of Tragedy – Suffering, pain Charles Groce January 1, 2015
Is Heaven Real? Charles Groce January 1, 2014
Lessons From The Sacrifices Charles Groce January 1, 2013
The Last Convert Charles Groce January 1, 2013
God’s Eye View – God is invisible, to be known only by those seeking him Charles Groce January 1, 2012
A Ministry Of Presence – Be a light with God with us & in us Working Charles Groce January 1, 2011
Choose One Chair – Life of Solomon – Bad choices Charles Groce January 1, 2011
Principle Of The Path – Choices – Don’t go off coarse Charles Groce January 1, 2011
What The Kingdom Of God Might Be Like-FOT-Feast Of Tabernacles-2011 Charles Groce January 1, 2011
Risk For Salvation – Everyday challenges requiring faith Charles Groce January 1, 2010
What Does Holiness Look Like? – Holy Spirit in us Christians Charles Groce January 1, 2010
Armor – How Is God Saving The World? Charles Groce January 1, 2007
Armor – Awesome Power of God Charles Groce January 1, 2006
Armor – Biblical Witness On Homosexuality Charles Groce January 1, 2006
Armor – Does God Love the World Enough to Save it? Charles Groce January 1, 2006
Armor – Fulfilling the Law Charles Groce January 1, 2006
Armor – Prayer Charles Groce January 1, 2006
Armor – Doctrines Unique To The Bible – Holy days Sabbath death Charles Groce January 1, 2005
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