Murray Palmatier

43-John 9 – Evolution of Faith – Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind Murray Palmatier 00-Books of the Bible January 1, 2020
Adjusting To These New Glasses – Fresh look at Romans 1-3 Murray Palmatier January 1, 2020
Are You Ready For Christ’s Return? Murray Palmatier January 1, 2020
Church In A Time Of Unrest Murray Palmatier January 1, 2020
Clock & The Compass – Awaiting Jesus’ Return – Clock is ticking, Set our compass right Murray Palmatier January 1, 2020
FOT-Feast of Tabernacles 2020 – Day 5 Murray Palmatier January 1, 2020 |
For Conscience Sake – role of conscience in the Christian walk Murray Palmatier January 1, 2020
I Do, Now What? – meaning of our covenant relationship with God Murray Palmatier January 1, 2020
Is Your Soul Afflicted? – difference & interconnectedness between fasting & afflicting the soul Murray Palmatier January 1, 2020
Ottawa Vision 2020 Murray Palmatier January 1, 2020
Be Holy As I Am Holy Murray Palmatier January 1, 2019
FOT-Feast Of Tabernacles 2019 – I Have Good News & Bad News Murray Palmatier January 1, 2019
FOT-Feast Of Tabernacles 2019 -That Others May Live Begins At Home Murray Palmatier January 1, 2019
Feast of Weeks – the 7 sabbath count to Pentecost Murray Palmatier January 1, 2019
Give Me a Break – the antidote to Christian fatigue Murray Palmatier January 1, 2019
Is God a Socialist? – the biblical view of socialism Murray Palmatier January 1, 2019
Last Great Day 2019 – Life Matters Murray Palmatier January 1, 2019
Laying on of Hands Murray Palmatier January 1, 2019
Rooting out the Leaven Murray Palmatier January 1, 2019
Take Heed How You Build – meaning of the time between Pentecost & Trumpets Murray Palmatier January 1, 2019