Christian Living


7 Principles of Leadership Christian Development Class Manual Great Commission Section 6 – Volunteer Imperial Speech Club Manual Infuse Fall 2004 – Fall Holy Days – Trumpets – Atonement – Tabernacles – Last Great Day – Evangelizing – Church adversity – Health Infuse Fall 2005 – Goals – Purpose of Life – Poverty Prosperity – Family – Success – Balanced Life Infuse Fall 2006 – Good Character – Barnabas – Solomon – Simon – Competency – Grow – Fame – Creation – Judgment – 6th Commandment – Self Control Infuse Fall 2007 – Humility – Jesus – Paul – Washing Feet – Volunteering Infuse Spring 2004 – Spring Holy Days – Passover – Dating – Sabbath – Personal Red Sea – Relationship with God – Health Infuse Spring 2006 – Prayer – Bible Study – Meditation – Fasting – Love Enemies Infuse Spring 2009 – Fruit of the Holy Spirit – Heart – Choice – Patience – Love – Joy – Self control – Gentle Infuse Summer 2004 – Love Sex Marriage – Dating – Rape – Exercise Infuse Summer 2005 – Serving Ministry – MAP – Integrity – Faithful – Gentleman – The Liver – Gifts – Self Worth – Fathers Infuse Summer 2006 – Law – Trinity – Israel – Holy Days – Grace – Dietary Laws – Works – Contradictions – Legalism – Tithing – Love – God Smiles Infuse Winter 2003 – Bible Christmas Jesus God – Sin – Holy Spirit – Heart Health Infuse Winter 2004 – Salvation – Repentance – Baptism – Tithing – Bible – God’s Patience – Heaven Hell – Fate of Non Christians Infuse Winter 2008 – Christian Walk – Emotions – Control Attitude – Choices – Baggage – Pain – Jesus’ Sacrifice – Trials – Seek Him – Success Overcoming Vices Spokesman Club Director Manual Spokesman Speech Manual
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