

AOG-2016-Q2 – Islam Pt2 – Faith – Discipline – Hopes – Promises Armor Of God-2008-Q2 – Kingdom of God – First Feast – Tabernacle with Men – Traditions – Atonement – Fasting – Judgment – Marriage Supper – Invest Armor Of God-2017-Q3 -Jesus Our Creator Savior Judge – Second Nature – Calling of God – The Gospel Everlasting Life Great Commission Section 3 – Evangelism Communication Infuse Spring 2005 – Jesus Miracles Gospel Prophecy Expectations Death Resurrection – Roman Occupation Israel – Exercise Infuse Winter 2004 – Salvation – Repentance – Baptism – Tithing – Bible – God’s Patience – Heaven Hell – Fate of Non Christians International News Vol 34.3 – Christian Value – Trumpet – Holy Days – Kingdom – Fall Feast – Cain’s Wife International News Vol 36.3 – God’s Name – Kingdom – New Believer – Doctrine – Canada – Jamaica – International News Vol 40.3 – Congregation – Zionism – Kingdom – Tattoo – Messiah International News Vol 41.1 – Gospel – Leaven – Prayer – Grace – Worldviews – Finish – Faith – Regeneration International News Vol 42.1 – Crucifixion – Desensitization – Gospel – Dinosaurs – Mary Pt2 Prevail Apr 2007 – New Morality – Repent or Perish – Nation Repents – Sin – Road not Taken – Death – Grow – Passover Easter – God Inc Prevail Dec 2006 – No More Christmas – God’s Plan Holy Days – Good News – Who Killed Jesus – Birth of Jesus Prevail Dec 2007 – King is Coming – John the Baptist – Jesus Prophecy – Kingdom of God – Failure Triumph – Twelveth Imam – Happiness – Hell – Christian Marine To Rule With Christ Watch Vol 10.2 – Earthquakes – Sabbath Qs – Old Covenant Qs – Jesus & Law – Valentine’s Day – Reasons Jesus Came



Closer Than A Brother – Pt4 – Pre-Passover, Loneliness, courage, Fear, Covid Mandates, lawful Protest, unity, commitment, Jesus example Adrian Davis January 1, 2022 |
Power Of Purpose – Goals, Kingdom Jeff Reed January 1, 2022 |