

1 Level 2 Lesson 04 – Noah and the Flood 1 Level 2 Lesson 05 – Nimrod and the Tower of Babel 1 Level K Lesson 05 – Nimrod and the Tower of Babel Call To Revival Christ Our Passover Does God Love The World Enough To Save It? Evidence Of The End Times Great Day Of The Lord Immortality Gods Gift To The Saints Infuse Fall 2004 – Fall Holy Days – Trumpets – Atonement – Tabernacles – Last Great Day – Evangelizing – Church adversity – Health Infuse Fall 2006 – Good Character – Barnabas – Solomon – Simon – Competency – Grow – Fame – Creation – Judgment – 6th Commandment – Self Control Infuse Spring 2005 – Jesus Miracles Gospel Prophecy Expectations Death Resurrection – Roman Occupation Israel – Exercise Infuse Summer 2006 – Law – Trinity – Israel – Holy Days – Grace – Dietary Laws – Works – Contradictions – Legalism – Tithing – Love – God Smiles Infuse Winter 2004 – Salvation – Repentance – Baptism – Tithing – Bible – God’s Patience – Heaven Hell – Fate of Non Christians Infuse Winter 2005 – Forgiveness – Repentance – Sin – Consequence – God’s Forgiveness Love – Betrayal – Self – Diet Infuse Winter 2008 – Christian Walk – Emotions – Control Attitude – Choices – Baggage – Pain – Jesus’ Sacrifice – Trials – Seek Him – Success Should You Expect A Secret Rapture Systematic Theology Project Section 3 – Kingdom of God, Resurrections, Prophecy, Gospel, Judgment Systematic Theology Project Section 7 – Traditional Christian Doctrines, Fall of Man, Immortal Soul, Trinity, Heaven, Gospel, Hell, Kingdom of God, Born Again, Easter, Sunday, Rapture, Christmas, Lord’s Prayer, Infant Baptism, Predestination, Tongues, Penance, Law & Grace, Eternal Security, Pictures of Jesus, Universalism, The Church, Religious Titles, Abstinence, Asceticism What Does The Bible Say About Predestination And Election