

1 Level K Spring Holy Days Armor Of God-2008-Q1 – Church of God History – Church Jesus Built – Sabbath to Sunday – Church Buildings – Heresies – Passover Easter – Polycarp Polycrates – Christmas – Trinity Armor Of God-2013-Q2 – Will you throw the first Stone – Passover – Abundant Life – Jesus Lamb & King – Good Samaritan Armor Of God-2014-Q1 – A Holy People – Naaman & Widow – Passover for New Testament Christians Armor Of God-2015-Q1 – Jesus Our Passover – Shepherd Lamb – Relationship – John 11 – Lazarus Death & Resurrection Christ Died For You Home Bible Study Course Lesson 9 – Passover Infuse Fall 2007 – Humility – Jesus – Paul – Washing Feet – Volunteering Infuse Spring 2004 – Spring Holy Days – Passover – Dating – Sabbath – Personal Red Sea – Relationship with God – Health International News Vol 28.2 – US Prophecy – Why Not Sabbath – Eating Meat – Battle for Minds – Marketing Evil – True History Pt6 – Polycrates International News Vol 32.1 – World in Transition Pt6 – Passover – God’s Name – Jesus in Gospels – Spiritual Hazards – Diabetes International News Vol 34.1 – Passover – incarnation – Authority Ministry – Book of Life – Examine – Recognition – Law of God International News Vol 35.1 – Be Light – Bible – Passover & UB – Origin of Man – Atheist – Pentecost – Trinity – Divorce & Remarriage International News Vol 35.2 – Sabbath – Human Sexuality – Faith – Prayer – Postmodernism – Marriage – Dinosaurs – Passover Qs International News Vol 37.1 – Islam Pt2 – History & Prophecy – Third Commandment – Feast – Passover – Moses Veil International News Vol 39.1 – Passover – Easter – Agape Love – Understanding Bible – Youth Bible Pt1 International News Vol 40.1 – Wave Sheaf – Passover – Youth – God – Bible


New Testament Passover Service Charles Groce January 1, 2022 |
Passover Easter Connection Jeff Reed January 1, 2022 |
When You Take The Passover Horane Smith January 1, 2022 |