

CgiToronto Website Thought Pieces – God, Family, Christian Living Imperial Speech Manual, Youth SkyNews-2004-03-04- Prayer Turns Problems into Miracles, A Joyous Time of Year!, The Passion of Christ SkyNews-2004-05-06- Eight Qualities, Leadership and Cooperation,The Ministry of John the Baptist SkyNews-2004-11-12- Dorcas, Community Service SkyNews-2005-01-02- A Very Very White Desert, Manna From Heaven, Teaching Your Kids To Have an Attitude of Gratitude SkyNews-2005-03-04- No Doubts, Celebrating the Night to be Remembered observed with Friends & Family, Jesus Heals at the Pool of Bethsaida SkyNews-2005-05-06- Super Followers of Christ, Disciplining: Praise vs. Negative Consequences, Fruit of the Spirit SkyNews-2005-07-08- Crossing the Red Sea, Learning About God in the Summer, Important Bodies of Water in the Bible SkyNews-2005-09-10- Spying in the OT, The Parents’ Corner, David and Goliath SkyNews-2005-11-12- God Loves Me This Much, Teach Your Children to Love God, Do You Love Me? SkyNews-2006-01-02- Jehovah Jireh, Give the Gift of Quantity, Teaching Your Child About Prayer, Individual Psalms SkyNews-2006-03-04- Let Me Help, Making the Most of the Days of Unleavened Bread with Your Children, The First Passover SkyNews-2006-05-06- Hey Kids! Who’s You Best Friend?, The Don’t Blame Me Generation, Jesus and Children SkyNews-2006-07-08- Make 10 For Him, How to Pray for People I Don’t Know,Spending Time Daily with Your Children, Sing Praise to God SkyNews-2006-09-10- Time for a Nature Walk, How to Handle Evolution in School,The Creation SkyNews-2006-11-12- Thanx with a Smile, Spirit of Thanksgiving, Giving Cheerfully SkyNews-2007-01-02- To Infinity and Beyond, “Sugar Coated” Words, Kingdom Parables SkyNews-2007-03-04- Show Mom the Love, Ticking off Time, The Path of Integrity


What are Teens Thinking About?

This title was borrowed from an article in one of our church youth publications.  In 1984, the topics Youth were thinking about included: School  70% Teachers  33% Hobbies  65% After Graduation  […]

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