Welcome to the Church of God International, Canada

Two thousand years ago Jesus said,

If  I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people unto me.      (John 12:32)

In a world of perhaps 8 billion people, only around 2.2 billion people identify themselves as Christian.  There is more work to be done!

Jesus’ direction to his followers was to:

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Mat 28:19-20

The Church of God International, with congregations in many countries, seeks to serve God by following the example and instructions of Jesus: To preach the gospel (Good News! ) of the coming Kingdom of God to the world.

In looking at this Website, you will quickly see that this Christian church is different from mainstream Christianity … due to our eagerness to follow scripture as a guide to our teachings and our Christian way of life

  • We follow the Commandment (and Jesus’ example, along with the apostles’) to keep the Saturday Sabbath holy – (rather than Sunday keeping)
  • We seek to “keep the Commandments” of God, and teach them as a light and guide to a happy life.  (With common sense we can reason that a world without sin – such as stealing, lying, adultery and murder — would be happier for all)
  • We teach and observe God’s Biblical Holy Days – found in Leviticus 23 and seen being kept throughout the Bible.  Most mainstream Christian churches have adopted “other” days in their worship (such as Christmas, or Easter), but we uphold the scriptural Holy Days – per God’s command – because these days richly rehearse every year to us God’s Plan of Salvation, and how Jesus Christ is central to each of these days … (even though these days were given more than a thousand years before Jesus was born!)

We welcome you to explore the website, in your quest to better understand God’s ways.

For starters … you can find our Statement of Beliefs here  and we hope you will reach out and contact us here.  To see if there is a congregation in your area, please click here!

Our congregations are warm and welcoming as we meet together to sing and worship the All wise, Almighty, Creator of the universe … and seek a personal relationship with Him.  Come meet with us!

A warm welcome in Christian love,

Church of God International, Canada

PS  For a great  Search capability to ALL of our best booklets, videos, audio sermons & blogs, Click here to see our Resources Page